SEC and Scope 3: In or Out? It Doesn’t Matter.
July, 2023

Memo to those hoping that an SEC will not require disclosure of Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in a final climate disclosure rule:  It won’t matter.  Your organization will need to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions.  It will be a massive undertaking.  Continuing to postpone effort much longer may cost you, in terms of direct costs and indirect impact on company value.  Read to understand the folly of inaction.

SEC proposed climate disclosure rules in March 2022 – fifteen months ago, at this writing.  Several provisions caused uproar and gnashing of teeth; perhaps none so much as the requirement to disclose Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Many have deferred meaningful efforts to compile Scope 3 emissions, often expressing three types of hope.    (Read More)

ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards: Who’s In? Who’s Out? Who Might be Surprised? (One of a Series)
July, 2023

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) released two Sustainability disclosure standards on June 26, 2023[1].  With many developments in the Sustainability/ ESG space – and more on the horizon (notably an SEC climate disclosure rule), ISSB standards have received scant attention.   Some companies may think it doesn’t apply to them – but they could be surprised.

Who’s In?

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS) for financial reporting and disclosures.  IFRS has been adopted by 168 jurisdictions worldwide (not including the United States).  ISSB[2] is an independent body that was formed to meet the demand for global sustainability standards.  (read more)

